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拥抱照顾弱势群体的机会, advocate for patients, and serve your community with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the Mount Union大学. Here, 您将通过在最先进的护理设施的实践学习掌握护理技能, 高保真模拟器, 还有临床实习. 以博雅教育的多元理念为支撑, 我们严格的护理课程将使你成为一个全面发展的, 护理专业中以病人为中心的领导者.

BSN计划是由 大学护理教育委员会 并得到俄亥俄州护理委员会(OBN)的批准.



Mount Union大学竞争激烈的四年制BSN课程采用直接入学模式, meaning you can be admitted directly into the BSN program as a first-year student—we won’t put you on a waiting list. 从你进入校园的第一天起, 您将参与护理课程并与同行合作. 你将有时间在我们新建的医院探索不同的护理领域, 最先进的护理设施, 包括模拟重症监护室. Our liberal arts integrative core also sets Mount Union apart from other nursing programs: during your four years of study, you’ll gain experience in a variety of disciplines beyond nursing—experience that will equip you to be a more thoughtful, creative, 和整体医疗保健提供者.


课堂学习至关重要, 当你把这些知识付诸实践时,你会学到更多. At Mount Union, 你将完成除以1,000 clinical simulation and laboratory practicum training hours and rotate in six to eight different areas of nursing 以及临床环境 (such as hospitals, 市卫生部门, schools, nursing homes, 康复单位及门诊诊所). Here, you’ll complete around 10% more training hours than the clinical placements offered by comparable schools in our region. In your final year, 你还将完成临床实习, 你将和一名专业护士一起工作. 在Mount Union威尼斯人app下载关于体验式学习的信息.



Mount Union’s BSN students consistently perform above Ohio and national averages for BSN completion rates. 我们还拥有98%的NCLEX-RN首次通过率, meaning Mount Union graduates are prepared to meet patients’ needs as competent and caring nurses.


Mount Union护理计划增加儿科模拟器

俄亥俄州东北部为数不多的为学生提供SimBaby的机构之一, Mount Union的模拟器和 阿克伦儿童医院,目前有几名Mount Union的护士威尼斯人app下载在那里工作. 
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获得BSN学位可以打开大量的工作机会. 护士需求量很大, with 438,100 more nursing jobs expected by 2026—nursing is one of the fastest-growing occupations in the country (Bureau for Labor Statistics). The BSN degree benefits from being a top qualification for a nursing career: the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) recommends that the BSN become the entry-level degree for professional nurses.

As a nurse, 你可以在医院和家庭医生办公室工作, 私人家庭护理和康复设施, 急救部门和学校, 公共卫生推广和养老院, and so much more.



Take your career in a new direction with a second-degree BSN through our accelerated bachelor’s in nursing (ABSN) program. 如果你拥有科学或艺术领域的学士学位, 你可以申请Mount Union严格的15个月加速BSN项目. This career-oriented degree is designed for adult learners who are eager to dive into fast-paced learning and high-impact clinical experiences. 威尼斯人app下载关于加速BSN的信息.


在Mount Union威尼斯人app下载关于BSN项目的信息

拥有Mount Union大学的护理学学士学位, 你会从其他护理毕业生中脱颖而出:我们为你提供全面的知识, 有使用前沿技术的经验, and more than 1,000小时的临床实践. 4年直接入学项目或15个月加速BSN, you’ll prepare to enter a highly sought-after career field and demonstrate your commitment to caring and service in all that you do.

  • BSN Accreditation


    The baccalaureate degree in nursing (BSN) program is accredited by 大学护理教育委员会 ( 该项目的最后一次实地考察是在2020年11月. CCNE对威尼斯人app下载的BSN项目授予了十年的认证. 下一次实地考察将在2030年秋季.

    The baccalaureate degree in nursing (BSN) program at the Mount Union大学 is fully approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing (OBN) in accordance with Rule 4723.《威尼斯人app下载》第06 (A)(5)条,有效期为五年,自2022年5月25日起生效. 下一次实地考察将在2027年春天进行. 俄亥俄州护理委员会,南高街17号.43215-7410, (614) 466-3947.

  • BSN入学要求


    Traditional BSN: Priority consideration for direct entry admission to the traditional nursing program is based on the following criteria: 

    1. 被Mount Union大学录取.
    2. 高中累计平均绩点为3分.3 on a scale of 4.0.
    3. ACT综合成绩23分(SAT 1130-1150).
    4. ACT的科学推理部分达到或超过24分 or 高中生物和化学实验课程成绩达到B或以上.

    Students who do not meet one or more of the direct entry criteria and are admitted to the Mount Union大学 will be provisionally admitted to the nursing program. All transfer students and students who change their major to nursing while at the Mount Union大学 will be provisionally admitted to the nursing program.


    1. 申请大学,并指出护理作为第一学术兴趣.
    2. 包括一份个人陈述(至少500字),描述你为什么想成为一名护士.

    临床课程从大二开始. Students are required to submit documentation of the following before starting clinical experiences:

    1. 符合技术标准的能力.
    2. 健康数据和临床要求.
    3. 年度犯罪背景调查.


    ESL Requirements

    1. 6.5 on IELTS/ 80 on TOEFL/105 on Duolingo: Direct Entry Admission with no required English as a Second Language courses required.  强烈建议你在第一学期修一门两学分的医学术语课程  
    2. 6.雅思0分(雅思成绩都在 .加5,所以上一层是6.5; no range needed here)/ 70 – 78 on TOEFL/ 95-100 on Duolingo (Duolingo scores are in 5 point increments, so the next level up is 105): Provisional nursing student and required to complete two English as a Second Language (ESL) courses and a two-credit medical terminology course. 在这两门课程之前,没有护理课程或先决科学课程可以学习 or 完成医学术语的成绩为C或以上.
    3. 5.5 on IELTS/ 61 – 69 on TOEFL/ 85-90 on Duolingo (minimum university requirements): Provisional nursing student and required to complete two English as a Second Language (ESL) courses and a two-credit medical terminology course. 在这两门课程之前,没有护理课程或先决科学课程可以学习 and 医学术语的成绩达到C或更高.
  • 课程和学习成果


    The 护理学学士(BSN)课程课程共124个学时,学生需在四(4)个学年内完成.


    该课程旨在实现护理系的目标: 教育护士,让她们在快速变化的社会中成为领导者, 多样化的医疗环境.

    Students are supported throughout the BSN degree curriculum with small class sizes and individual attention from highly qualified faculty in both the classroom, laboratory, 以及临床环境.



    1. 整合护理知识, the sciences, 和文科来根据证据做出护理判断.
    2. Prioritize quality, safe, and holistic care for diverse patient populations using clinical judgement.
    3. 有效地协作和沟通,提供以患者为中心的整体护理.
    4. 管理人口健康,改善公平的健康结果.
    5. Analyze organizational and system leadership factors impacting the nursing profession and practice.
    6. 将专业和道德标准融入实践.
  • BSN直接表项信息

    The traditional BSN program is designed for students who completed high school and are interested in earning a degree to pursue licensure as registered nurse.


    对护理感兴趣的学生被Mount Union大学录取 and meeting the nursing admission requirements can be admitted directly (i.e.(直接录取)作为护理专业. 这有助于确保第一年所需的生物、化学和护理课程的空间. 是否满足了第一年的所有课程要求, 确保学生在第二年(i)的临床护理序列中安置.e., sophomore sequence).   

    If you don’t meet all the direct admission criteria, we believe in you and have resources available.

    Provisional Admission

    对护理感兴趣的学生被Mount Union大学录取, but do not all meet criteria for direct admission will be provisionally admitted to the nursing major. 未提交ACT或SAT成绩的学生将被临时录取. 成功完成第一年护理专业要求, 学生将按总平均绩点(CHE110)排名, CHE115, BIO210, BIO211, NUR130, 和NUR190用于进入nur200级别课程的预科. 这将根据座位情况而定. 

    在威尼斯人app下载,我们通过提升他人而崛起! We are committed to helping students achieve their goals by meeting them where they are and providing strong support.